
This diet plan by Selena Gomez can make you have the perfect figure!


What kind of foods should one avoid?

This Diet Plan By Selena Gomez Can Make You Have The Perfect Figure!

Well, we believe you must avoid these things without fail.

  • Chips
  • Candies
  • Salted nuts
  • Unlimited alcohol
  • Pastries
  • Pizza
  • Packaged fruit and vegetable juice
  • Energy drinks
  • Milk chocolate
  • Canned foods
  • White bread
  • Packaged soups
  • Cold cuts of meat
  • Processed meat like sausage, salami, etc.
  • Ready to eat foods
  • Prepackaged pasta
  • High-fat salad dressing
  • Soda
  • Cookies
  • Ketchup and sauces

Well, not just food but even lifestyle and workout matters a lot. So here is Selena’s exercise routine with Amy Rosoff.

As per Amy Rosoff, one has to include variations in the routine so that one doesn’t feel trapped or bored with a monotonous schedule. Working should be motivating, refreshing, and fun. So she said that keeping all that in mind she and Selena do everything.

At times they go for Pilates, sometimes hiking, and even dance cardio on specific days. They even consider and include circuit training, yoga, and spinning. One must do stretching daily as per Amy. As it has various benefits in its bucket.

Below is a table to help you do better.

Here’s what you can do.

Monday (20 mins) Warm-up + spot-jogging / jogging + lunges+squats+jumping jacks+stretch
Tuesday (20 mins) Warm-up + jumping jacks+lunges+squat+crunches+push-ups+jogging + stretch
Wednesday (30-45 mins) Warm-up + Circuit training
Thursday (60 mins) Warm-up + Pilates
Friday (60 mins) Rest
Saturday (60 mins) Warm-up + yoga +


Sunday Rest

One most important thing is to be happy. If you are not happy then nothing can work. So if you want fast and better results then exercise positivity and happiness too from time to time.
