
A curated mini guide to online dating with dos and don’ts!


In this fast-paced world, today everything is online. Even a kid who was just born 1 month ago would be on social media, Thanks to modern-day parents. No matter how much we run away from it. We can’t deny the fact that social media and the internet are a prominent part of our lives these days. Well, there is nothing wrong with it.

Within a click, we can simply connect with anyone from any culture or country. It’s that easy breezy-lemon squeezy! The Internet has made it that simple. But with power there comes precaution. It’s pretty much common these days to meet, greet and date people online.

It’s not such a big hustle. But do you know just to be extra safe one should follow some do’s and don’ts or what we call etiquette of online dating?

Perplexed with this idea?
Don’t worry.
Let me take you forward in the battle.

1. Have a clear vision
1. Have A Clear Vision

Here I mean-Be sure about what you desire! Are you just interested in casual, if it’s like that, make the other person clear from the start so that they don’t attach too much with you? And even if you are on the second side of the coin. Be kind enough with your feelings and let the other one know what you are expecting!
